Sunday, 27 September 2009

OT - starting the work on our house...finally, after over 2 years!

Not to do with Inko this time, but thought we'd post it anyway so we have a record of it.

Since moving into our house in July 2007 we've had quite a long list of work that has needed doing, most of it stemming from the need to get the electrics re-wired ideally.

Finally, after over 2 years of saving and planning we are at last about to get it done. We are going to be knocking through 3 small rooms at the back of our house to make one big open plan kitchen/dining room. We have spent today starting to clear the house ready for the building work to start in mid-October. We have got a lot of stuff everywhere so this is lookinhg like taking some time! We spent most of the day clearing out our third bedroom...our junk put stuff in the loft, the shed and the bin! This evening we have started the task of demolishing our current kitchen which is being knocked through to make the new big room. We have taken out all of the stuff we rarely use so that we can start by taking the wall units down. So far we have removed one wall of units. We'll be gradually removing the rest over the next couple of weeks, in between clearing the rest of the house. Think the next few weeks may be quite chaotic and a little stressful...will be worth it once it's done though. Here's a few pictures so far...

Starting to empty out the cupboards into storage boxes!

First wall of units down

Corner unit gone now too (seemed sensible to have a glass of wine to help keep the energy levels up while working!)
Inko has been somewhat confused by all the activity. She has been pottering round watching everything but has sometimes seemed a little unsettled by it. Not surprising...we're not normally known for much DIY so she's probably wondering what on earth is going on!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Lappies and their love of dens

I've often heard that lappies love having dens, and Inko definitely loves her crates.

Today I was looking for something in our spare room (where most junk ends up!) and came across the little cat box that we had when we first picked Inko up as a little pup. I brought it downstairs and put it on the floor to see what Inko thought of it. Without hesitation she squeezed herself into it, wriggled round in the tiny amount of space there was in there and settled down for a snooze! She spent several minutes in there before squeezing back out. She now keeps going back in there...think she likes it! As she kept going back in I settled down with my camera to try and capture her getting's quite amazing how she manages to sqeeze into such a small space and turn herself around!

Lappies clearly do love dens!!