Saturday, 17 October 2009

OT - more progress (or at least more destruction to make way for progress!!)

We've had a bit more wall knocking down done this week and today Adam and I have been emptying our house of furniture into storage ready for the electrician who is coming in on Monday to start the re-wire and an empty house will make it easier for him to get it done quicker. We have also taken up the laminate flooring in our lounge/diner so he can take the floorboards up for the wiring. We have already ordered carpet to replace the laminate but now we've seen the floorboards they seem quite nice!

Here's some more pics...

Here's the latest 'hole' - we've had the old shower bit taken out, leaving a hole. We now just need the bit between this hole and the doorway taken out and then it will be one big room finally. Then it's a case of the builders putting pillars and RSJs in.

Here's Inko watching me attempt to cook in the shell that is our old kitchen - she loves watching, and now she has more space to do it in! See her 'devil eyes'!!

Inko watching from her den while we're clearing - feeling very annoyed at being left out!!

Sofas gone into storage and replaced with garden chairs so we could eat our lunch, before beginning the rest of the clearing...

There's quite a lot of stuff to clear out!

Nearly there with the clearing

Once most of the stuff was out, it was a case of ripping up the laminate flooring.

To reveal some nice old floor boards...

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

OT - first wall out!

Opening the ex-kitchen through to utility room is well one it's way. The wall is mostly out now and awaiting the RSJ. Next step is for the wall between the utility and back room to be taken out and then it will be one big space. Already we're getting the sense of space and it is very exciting...if a little echoey with no flooring and no furniture! Inko is having great fun running around it all desperately trying to eat bits of dust. Luckily we can shut off this part of the house because otherwise she'd be licking all dust off the floor!!

It was another take-away tonight as couldn't face trying to cook in this chaos! Even though we still have a functioning oven and sink in the old kitchen it was so much easier just to get a chippy tea!!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

and some more demolishing...

Taking out the last of the kitchen cabinets...

All gone...just oven and sink remaining - and the old dishwasher kept in there to act as a temporary extra work surface while we're still living in here before moving out once the electric re-wiring starts in about a week's time.

Looks like there might be some nice quarry tiles under the old kitchen floor. Not sure if they will be all over in the kitchen but will have to wait and see. They are covered in a lino and then other tiles, plus laminate type tiles on the top. We are going to keep these down for now to protect ant quarry tiles that exist underneath from the building work and will then uncover them later and are keeping our fingers crossed that there might be lots of them and not just a few where we've already uncovered.

All looking rather bare!!

We've also had to take down the ceiling in the kitchen ready for the electrics and wall knocking down work. It was clad in wood, so all had to be pulled down!

Here is the little conservatory at the side of the house that runs alongside the rooms that we are working on, that we will be turning into a mini utility room. Flooring up and near enough cleared, ready for work to begin.

Flooring all up in the back room where the kitchen will be once the walls are knocked down. Now just need to find a home for the exercise machine that we NEVER actually use!!!

And finally, here is the scene this evening where we were doing our best to cook in our shell of a kitchen - not the easiest of tasks!! So glad we kept the old dishwasher in there diconnected so that we can use the top of it as a worktop. We have got a kettle, microwave and other bits and pieces on the floor...let's hope all the work gets finished fairly on time as this could get a little tiring!!

Sunday, 4 October 2009

OT - more preparation for the building work

Getting rid of the last of the wall cabinets in the kitchen

Getting rid of the loo, sink and shower in the utility room