Sunday 13 September 2009

Lappies and their love of dens

I've often heard that lappies love having dens, and Inko definitely loves her crates.

Today I was looking for something in our spare room (where most junk ends up!) and came across the little cat box that we had when we first picked Inko up as a little pup. I brought it downstairs and put it on the floor to see what Inko thought of it. Without hesitation she squeezed herself into it, wriggled round in the tiny amount of space there was in there and settled down for a snooze! She spent several minutes in there before squeezing back out. She now keeps going back in there...think she likes it! As she kept going back in I settled down with my camera to try and capture her getting's quite amazing how she manages to sqeeze into such a small space and turn herself around!

Lappies clearly do love dens!!


Jennifer said...

That's so cute & funny! I can't believe she manages to turn around in there.

Jo Ross said...

bless her, she needs Tarkka's kennel