Saturday 27 September 2008

Coming home!

Inko and Tarkka had a pretty good night last night. Apart from a quick trip to the garden at 4.30 for a wee (thanks Jo for taking them out!), we didn't hear from them again until about 6.45. We all headed out into the garden and they had a fantastic time running around together, jumping on plants, and hunting for sticks!

After tiring Inko out sufficiently for the journey home, and ensuring she had 'done her business' so we didn't get accidents on the way back, we headed off on our trip back to Camberley at about 9am. We were pretty lucky with the traffic on the way back and managed to get back by about 12.30. Inko coped really well with the car journey - no accidents at all and she wasn't sick. We didn't hear a sound from her either which was great. She spent the time moving between the crate and Adam's lap.

Inko asleep on the way home
As soon as we arrived home we took Inko straight into her new garden and she went to the loo straight away - clever girl! We tried to give her lunch, but she was much more interested in exploring the house and garden and was happy to go into her crate for a look as soon as the manky bit of vet bed from her litter pen was put in there!
We have set up an enclosed area in our dining room that she can stay in when we are out and her crate is in there.

There is also a mat in there which she seems to have taken a particular liking to. As soon as she picks up any toy she runs over to the mat and lies on there while playing. She also lay on there and leant over the edge to eat her food when she finally decided she was hungry!

She has had five visitors already today (Paula's mum and dad, Paula's sister Michelle, and Paula's sister Jennie and her boyfriend John). Lots more people lined up over the next few days and weeks to make sure that her socialisation is getting off to a good start. She has gone down very well with them all - they all think she's fantastic!

We've been making sure that we take her out into the garden regularly and so far we've only had one accident in the house which is great. Let's hope things continue to go well in that department!

After spening a lot of time exploring, she is finally asleep and is curled up on the sofa with us at the moment looking very angelic! Have a feeling that this may not last - expecting some rather crazy running around before bed!!

Will report back tomorrow to let you know how her first night completely on her own goes!! Fingers crossed all will be peacefull!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Great blog, guys and adorable pics :-) I love Inko's mat - it looks like an inflatable pool!